Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Chapter 8-11

In Chapter 8, The next number the speaker called was 20. She skipped his number. She finished up and finally want back. Jonas had received a special job. The receiver. The receive was the most respected job in the community. He was to start training the next day.

In Chapter 9, Jonas recalled his instructions for the next day
  1. Go immediately at the end of school hours each day to the Annex entrance behind the house of the old and present yourself to the attendant.
  2. Go immediately to your dwelling at the conclusion of Training Hours each day.
  3. From this moment you are exempt from rules governing rudeness. You may ask any question to any citizen and you will receive answers.
  4. Do not discuss your training with any members of the community, including parents and Elders.
  5. From this moment you are prohibited from dream telling.
  6. Except for illness or inquiry unrelated to your training, do no apply for any medication.
  7. You are not permitted to apply for release.
  8. You may lie.

In Chapter 10, Jonas goes to is first lesson with the receiver. He was surprised to see that the door was locked considering that all doors in the community were suppose to be unlocked. When he walked in he was also surprised that the walls were covered in books. Most family dwellings only had three books. The dictionary, a thick volume of the community, and the book of rules. Jonas receives his first memory of snow.

In Chapter 11, he first started feeling snow. He thought they were pinpricks but when they touched his skin they did not hurt. He looks around and finds that he is on a hill with a sled. He gets on the sled and rides down the mountain. Jonas also learns about the pain they were talking about. Sunburn. He is also told to call the man The Giver.


Anonymous said...

very nice blog

Anonymous said...


i like the way you put in the rules and things to do the next day so if i was a person who didn't know about the book i would now know that jonas was being the reciver


Anonymous said...

i am reading this book now in calss as a class. it is very interesting to find out that he riecieves the job the reciever. i still dont get y the apple is so important and y he sees it like that.